Grass Seed and Supplies
We carry a wide variety of grass seed and supplies at Mulder’s Landscape Supplies. From do-it-yourselfers looking to spruce up their yard to contractors with commercial projects, our knowledgeable staff can help you find the right product and quantities for your project.
Our offerings include:
Sunny Mix
This mix is composed of 25% Kentucy Bluegrass ‘LXQ110’, 20% Kentucky Bluegrass ‘Fielder’, 20% Perennial Ryegrass ‘SR4650’, 20% Perennial Ryegrass ‘Sideways’, and 15% Creeping Red Fescue ‘Maxima 1’.
Shady Mix
This mix is composed of 40% SR5250 Creeping Red Fescue, 20% SR4650 Perennial Rye, 20% Arc Kentucky Bluegrass, 10% Epic Red Fescue, and 10% Ambrose Chewings Fescue.
3-Way Perennial Ryegrass
Composed of 33% Grand Slam Perennial Ryegrass, 33% Manhattan Perennial Ryegrass, and 33% SR4600 Perennial Ryegrass.
Contractor’s Mix
This mix is composed of 40% Manhattan 5 Perennial Rye, 30% Creeping Red Fescue, and 30% 85/80 Kentucky Bluegrass.
Imperial Green
This mix is composed of 20% Kentucky Bluegrass ‘Wildhorse’, 20% Kentucky Bluegrass ‘SR2100’, 20% Kentucky Bleugrass ‘SR2150’, 20% Perennial Ryegrass ‘SR4650’, and 20% Perennial Ryegrass ‘Fiesta 4’.
Penn Mulch
Useful in maintaining moisture and promoting the germination of new lawn seedings, one bag of penn mulch covers roughly 800 square feet.
EZ Straw Bales
This processed straw is sold in 2 1/2 cubic yard bales and covers approximately 500 square feet.
Pine Straw Bales
One pine straw bale will cover approximately 50 square feet at 1 1/2 inches deep. This beautiful and unique ground cover is long lasting, wind resistant, and completely organic and chemical-free.
Straw Bales
Great for many uses from covering new lawn seeding to keeping pets warm, one bale of straw covers 800-1,000 square feet.
Erosion Blankets
We carry single net erosion blankets in 4 x 112.5′ and 8 x 112.5′ sizes. While this is most commonly used to cover new seed areas, it can also be used in any area with an erosion problem.
Available in 50 pound bags, we offer fertilizer with crabgrass killer, weed, and feed, 12-12-12 garden fertilizer, and lawn-starter fertilizer.

Product Calculator
Do you know what you want, but not how much? Enter the dimensions of the area you plan to fill in our handy landscape supply product calculator to estimate your needs.
Cubic Yards Calculator
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